Other Scholarships Available
The following scholarships are managed by the Decatur County Community Foundation, but are not included in the DCCF online scholarship application. For more information contact the group listed.
E. Wayne Baumgartle Agricultural Memorial Scholarship
The mission of this scholarship is to help South Decatur students seeking post-secondary training in agriculture or a related field. For more information, contact the current FFA instructor.
Russell Corya Scholarship
This scholarship is established to help a North Decatur or South Decatur student in the field of agriculture. For more information, visit the Decatur County Community Scholarship Foundation website at ndsdscholarship.com.
Decatur County Purdue Ag Alumni Association Award
The mission of this award is to help Decatur County students continue their education in the school of agriculture at Purdue University.​
First Federal Good Citizenship Award
This award is selected by school administrators and representatives of First Federal Savings & Loan; no application available.
Burney and Lucy Lehman Scholarship
The Burney and Lucy Lehman Scholarships will be given to North and South Decatur students, and are disbursed for up to four years of post-secondary education. The intent of the scholarship is to make a significant impact on graduating seniors who may have had a difficult time attending a post-secondary institute. For more information, visit the Decatur County Community Scholarship Foundation website at ndsdscholarship.com..
Walter B. Lowe Continuing Education Scholarship
The purpose of this award is to help with tuition and expenses for an adult over 40 from Decatur County, who is working towards a 2 or 4 year or graduate degree. For more information, call the Decatur County Community Foundation at (812) 662-6364.
Glenn and Joan Moore Scholarship Fund
This award is selected by Greensburg Community High School guidance counselors and administrators; no application available.
Mystery Donor Vocational Scholarship Fund
This scholarship to is help a local student who has been accepted into and attends a vocational school. The targeted students seek to earn a living with their hands by learning a particular skillset, either in an institution or an approved apprenticeship program.
William R. Rayner – Harold and Barbara Graue Scholarship
This scholarship is to be presented to a graduate of Milan high school. For more information, please contact the Milan Scholarship Foundation at PO Box 504, Milan, IN 47031.
Cecelia Springmeyer Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established to help a North Decatur or South Decatur student seeking post-secondary education from an accredited 4-year school. Must be enrolled in law enforcement, criminal justice, animal husbandry, agronomy, or teaching. For more information, visit the Decatur County Community Scholarship Foundation website at ndsdscholarship.com.
Ted & Marian Stout Scholarship
An endowed fund to be awarded to a member of the First Baptist Church of Greensburg. Recipients need to exhibit Christian values, attend a 2- or 4-year post-secondary education, have good scholastic standing, have established educational and life goals and not be a member of the Cox family or the Church scholarship committee. For more information, contact the First Baptist Church.
Daryl R. Wolter Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is to support a North Decatur Baseball player. For more information regarding this award, see your guidance counselor.