Arnold D. Ducanes, MD Scholarship Fund
Updates from Your Community Foundation
Attie M. Austin Memorial Scholarship Fund
Bob Clark Memorial Scholarship Fund
Bonnie Springmeyer Nursing Scholarship Fund
Burney and Lucy Lehman Scholarship Fund
Campbell "Buck" McIntyre Scholarship Fund
Cecelia Springmeyer Memorial Scholarship Fund
Clifford Byard Memorial Scholarship Fund
Clifford "Skip" Ricke Memorial Scholarship Fund
Danny W. Dieckmann Memorial Scholarship Fund
Darryl P. Menefee Memorial Scholarship Fund
Daryl R. Wolter Memorial Scholarship Fund
DCCF Tribute Scholarship for Continuing Education Fund
Decatur County Purdue Ag Alumni Association
Delmar and Janet Knecht Memorial Scholarship Fund
Dennis Crowe Science Scholarship Fund
Diane Reynolds Memorial Scholarship Fund
Donald and Barbara Horan Scholarship for Graduates of Oldenburg Academy Fund
Dr. Irwin and Dorothy Lanning and Family Memorial Scholarship Fund
E. Wayne Baumgartle Agricultural Memorial Scholarship Fund