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2023 Stephen Decatur Recipients Announced


The Decatur County Community Foundation recently held its 2022-23 annual meeting, celebrating 30 years of serving the community.

Current board President Kristi Jarvis led the meeting hosted by the Southeastern Baptist Youth Camp. The evening’s highlight was the announcement of the 2022-23 Stephen Decatur recipients.

Since 2001 the Stephen Decatur Award has recognized volunteers who have gone above and beyond for Decatur County. Doug and the late JoAnn Fry were named this year’s honorees. The award was presented by DCCF board member Tom Horan, who shared a long list of the couples’ involvement. From the local chamber, hospital, country club, United Fund, library, Meals on Wheels, Hospice, Board of Health and the Foundation itself, the Frys spent many years giving back to their community.

Additional meeting highlights included project updates from two recent grant recipients. Nancy Wamsley of South Decatur Elementary spoke about the Magic Tree House project she has worked on for her fourth-grade students, while Chris and Carrie Kallal from the Southeastern Baptist Youth Camp shared updates on their pool and pond renovations.

DCCF Grants Manager Gracie Maxwell-Shonk noted that South Decatur Elementary and the Southeastern Baptist Youth Camp were just two of more than 30 grant recipients last year. In total, $286,545.50 in grants were awarded. In addition, 104 scholarships were handed out tallying $499,276.

“We thank our donors for allowing us the privilege of being able to help shepherd their philanthropic dollars towards projects that continue to improve the world right here where we live,” DCCF Executive Director Tami Wenning told the crowd. “Because of the continued generosity of so many of you through the years, there is no one in this entire county who hasn’t been impacted by something YOUR Community Foundation has helped with.”

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