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Wenning Named State Chair for CFC


The Decatur County Community Foundation (DCCF) is proud to announce that Executive Director, Tami Wenning, has been selected to serve as the 2023 chair for the Community Foundation State Committee.

“It is an honor to be asked to lead this group,” said Wenning. “It is so gratifying to meet other people who have the same passion for their communities, and I’m just happy to be asked to be a part of this organization.”

The Community Foundation State Committee (CFC) was formed to promote, strengthen, and advance the work of Indiana community foundations and to serve as an advisory committee to the GIFT Technical Assistance Program. There are seven spots on the CFC, each of which is filled by a liaison from Indiana’s seven respective community foundation regions.

September McConnell, CEO of the Community Foundation of Whitley County, served as the 2022 state committee chair. ““The task of representing 94 collective, yet highly individual, community foundations throughout the state of Indiana is challenging,” said McConnell. “Community foundation directors are grateful to Tami for her willingness to step up to the plate to lead.”

According to Amy Haacker, IPA Vice President of Community Foundation Programs, “Tami’s innovative mindset and positive approach are what inspired her committee colleagues to appoint her as chair.” Among the innovative things Haacker mentioned was the push Wenning and Board Chair Steve Freeman made to make Decatur County Community Foundation the first in the state to adopt a cryptocurrency gift acceptance policy.

As chair of the CFC in 2023, Wenning will also be an ex-officio member of the Indiana Philanthropy Alliance Board of Directors. Wenning has served as executive director of DCCF since 2014.

“I am so proud of Tami for taking on this new role at the state level,” noted incoming DCCF President Kristi Jarvis. “I have worked with her for the entire time she has been at DCCF, and I've found that she puts 100% into everything she does. She will represent the state organization very well. She is always thinking of new and innovative ways to help the citizens and non-profits in Decatur County and I'm sure she will do the same for the state organization.”

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